Position Description
Helps the scouts develop a love for the outdoors.
Promotes family participation in all outdoor pack events.
Works with the Cubmaster to help plan, coordinate, and conduct pack outdoor activities, such as hikes and camping.
Works with the Webelos Den Leader(s) to help plan, coordinate, and conduct Webelos den campouts.
Coordinates pack-provided meals during pack campouts, recruiting other adults to assist with meal preparation, as needed.
Purchases food and supplies for pack-provided meals during pack campouts.
Plans and coordinates to have an individual responsible for first aid at outdoor events.
Helps promote pack campouts, pack hikes, district and council day or overnight camps.
Maintains an inventory of pack equipment.
Maintains pack equipment in proper working order.
Coordinates with pack committee if pack equipment needs to be repaired or replaced.
Makes recommendation to pack committee for purchase of additional pack equipment.
Coordinates with local Scout Troop(s) if any equipment needs to be borrowed from them.
Arrange for Safe Swim Defense implementation for all outings involving swimming.
Plan outings to help pack and dens qualify for National Summertime Pack Award.
Help inform parents about opportunities for family camping.
Assist in the promotion of day camp and resident camp opportunities.
Desired Skills & Requirements
Familiar with camping and hiking.
Familiar with the Guide to Safe Scouting and BSA health and safety requirements and sees that they are implemented.
Able to arrange for cooking while camping.
Have current Food Handler Certification OR be willing to obtain before first cooking activity.
Able to plan far in advance, booking campgrounds or facilities needed for the activities.
Ability to arrange for transporting pack camping gear to camp site (stoves, tables, canopies, food, etc.).
Regularly attends monthly pack committee meetings.
Participates in annual pack planning meeting.
Supports the policies of the BSA especially the Guide to Safe Scouting.
Will complete Youth Protection Training before starting in the position.
Will complete online training for "Pack Committee (MC)" within 30 days of registering.
Will complete in-person BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) training prior to next pack or Webelos den camping event.
Estimated hours per week, average: 0-2, more hours immediately prior to and during an event.
Timeframe: Year-round, 1-2 years in the role plus one year of mentoring replacement
Leader uniform required: No, but encouraged.
Current Leader: Mr. Jerome B. - NEED for 2025/2026