Position Description
Keeps pack paperwork (annual consent forms, medical forms, recruiting forms, event permission slips, etc.) in order.
Signer on the pack checking account.
Ensures Youth Applications are processed and submitted to Council in a timely manner.
Scans and uploads event paperwork to the pack cloud account.
Assists Outdoor Activity Chair and Event Coordinator with paperwork collection prior to upcoming events.
Ensures all necessary permission slips, consent forms, and medical forms have been turned in and are tracked.
Provides all necessary paperwork for events to the event coordinator.
Works with Cubmaster, Event Coordinator, and other leaders to add events to private pack online calendar.
Keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records, and forms so as to help leaders function effectively. Assist new den leaders by telling them what items are available.
Acquaint den leaders with contents of the Pack Record Book so they will know how to supply the information that should be recorded there.
Maintain an inventory of pack property.
In the event the Pack Committee Chair is unable to serve, assume all responsibilities until a permanent successor is found.
Maintains proper records within the pack.
Keeps minutes during pack committee meetings, recording key items such as decisions made, things needing follow-up, or items of future interest (summer camp attendance, number of scouts bridging to Scout troops, etc.).
Desired Skills & Requirements
Organized, detail oriented.
Regularly attends monthly pack committee meetings.
Supports the policies of the BSA.
Will complete Youth Protection Training before starting in the position.
Will complete online training for "Pack Committee (MC)" within 30 days of registering.
Estimated hours per week: average 0-2
Length of Commitment: Year-round, 1-2 years in the role plus one year of mentoring replacement
Leader uniform required: No, but encouraged.
Current Leader: Mrs. Jen B. - NEED for 2025-2026