Sample Scout Script
“Hello, my name is _____ and I’m with Pack 749. I am trying to earn my way to _____. I have many DELICIOUS flavors of popcorn and _____ is my favorite because _____! Can I count on your support to help fund my adventures?”
When you have completed your script, be sure to thank everyone, even if they didn’t buy anything!
Scout Tips For Successful Popcorn Sales
Set a popcorn goal and create a plan to achieve that goal.
Set up your online account to sell popcorn. Send emails to family and friends. Be sure to do a test email to yourself to make sure it contains the correct seller link to buy from you.
Always wear your uniform when selling.
Put a smile on, introduce yourself, be polite and courteous.
Always tell your customers why you’re selling.
Always sell with a buddy or with an adult.
Never sell after dark and never enter someone’s home.
Always walk on the sidewalk and driveway and not through the yard, look out for traffic.
Do not carry large amounts of cash with you.
Be prepared with two pens.
Know the products you’re selling.
Suggest military donations ($30 & $50 amounts).
Know the date you’ll be delivering the popcorn to your customers and when they should expect their order.
The more people you ask, the more popcorn you’ll sell!
Remind customers that popcorn makes great gifts!
Write a thank you note on your popcorn to deliver, also remember to say thank you when you go out to deliver.
Customize thank you cards and popcorn receipts.
Keep a copy of your take order form so you can reach out to your customers next year.